October 21, 2024

Romeo Laipple

Soothing Retreat

Melbourne’s Victoria Street Festival Celebrates Our Cultural Diversity

Melbourne’s Victoria Street Festival Celebrates Our Cultural Diversity


The Victoria Street Festival is a unique opportunity to experience world cultures in one place. It’s a multicultural street celebration that celebrates our cultural diversity as well as the diverse array of food, entertainment and shopping available on Victoria Street.

Melbourne’s Victoria Street Festival Celebrates Our Cultural Diversity

Victoria Street Festival – a multicultural street celebration in Melbourne

The Victoria Street Festival is an annual celebration of multiculturalism, held in Melbourne’s multicultural hub. The event features food stalls from all over the world, live music performances and dance performances by local artists. It takes place in November each year on Victoria Street (near Chinatown)


  • When?

The Victoria Street Festival will be held on the weekend of May 7-8, 2019. The festival takes place between Swanston Street and Flinders Lane in Melbourne’s CBD. The hours of operation are from 10am to 6pm each day, but you can expect some vendors to stay open later if there’s still a crowd around!

  • What Is It All About?

This year’s theme is “Celebrating Our Cultural Diversity”–a topic that we think should be celebrated every day! We’re hoping this celebration will help us all learn more about different cultures, even if it only means taking part in one activity at the festival itself!

How much?

  • You can buy tickets online or at the gate.
  • The cost varies depending on what you want to do:
  • Free events are free! But they’re not just for people who don’t have money–everyone is welcome, regardless of whether you have a dollar in your pocket or not.
  • There are also paid events where you pay a small fee to get into something like an exhibition or museum exhibit that would normally cost money if it weren’t part of this festival (but still won’t be as expensive as if you went there during normal hours). If this sounds confusing, don’t worry; it’ll become clear once we start talking about specific things happening during this year’s festival…

What you can expect from the festival

  • Food, art and music: The festival includes a variety of food vendors that offer everything from traditional Lebanese mezze to Brazilian churrasco. You can also expect to find local artists displaying their work and selling handmade goods at the event.
  • Family-friendly: This is an all-ages event so there’s no need to worry about what your little ones will be interested in doing or seeing!
  • Free entry: There is no cost for entry into Victoria Street Festival which means it won’t cost you anything extra other than maybe some change for food or drinks if needed!

The Victoria Street Festival is a unique opportunity to experience world cultures in one place.

The Victoria Street Festival is a celebration of multiculturalism, and it’s one of Melbourne’s most beloved events. The festival is an opportunity to experience world cultures in one place, whether you’re looking for something fun to do with friends or want to try something new with your family.

The Victoria Street Festival features food stalls from around the world, including Thai curries, Indian curries and pizza slices! You’ll also find arts and crafts vendors selling handmade items such as jewelry and clothing; art installations made by local artists; live music performances on stages throughout the site; kids’ activities like face painting or balloon twisting; buskers performing on corners throughout the precinct; plus much more!

The end-of-summer vibe makes this event especially fun because there are tons of people who come out at nightfall–and some stay until midnight enjoying all that the festival has to offer until its closing hours at 10 pm each night (Saturday & Sunday).


The Victoria Street Festival is a unique opportunity to experience world cultures in one place. It’s also a great way to connect with your community and learn more about what makes Melbourne such a vibrant city.